International Guidelines for the Formation of an EMDR Regional Association (March 2018)

Objectives of an EMDR Regional Association

The EMDR Regional Association provides an international forum for the discussion of matters relevant to training, research, and the practice of EMDR therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing).

In furtherance of this objective, the EMDR Regional Association shall:

Encourage and support the establishment and development of National EMDR Therapy Associations in countries or in Special Administrative Regions (SAR) within their region.

Establish and maintain relationships with EMDR Associations both within and outside their region, and other relevant bodies within the region.

Set and uphold standards and guidelines and seek to encourage the development of training in the practice of EMDR therapy throughout the Region.  EMDR Global Alliance Minimum Standards for the content of EMDR training and continuing education in EMDR therapy must be established and upheld. Organizations or trainers who would like to contribute to the development of EMDR in another country or region should first contact that National or Regional EMDR Association.

Establish and uphold standards for Certification as EMDR Approved or Accredited practitioners as well as standards for Approved or Accredited Consultants/Supervisors and Trainers/Training Providers of Standard/Basic EMDR therapy.

Promote the development and dissemination of EMDR therapy, the Adaptive Information Processing Model, enhance the understanding of the potential for EMDR therapy in reducing human suffering from trauma and stress-related conditions, and advocate for the advancement of EMDR therapy globally, as a treatment of choice.

Promote and support research regarding EMDR therapy.


  1. The mission, values, and objectives of any new EMDR Regional Association should be consistent with those of existing EMDR Regional Associations (e.g., EMDRIA, EMDR Europe, EMDR Asia).
  2. Existing EMDR Regional Associations will assist in the development of new EMDR Regional Associations as the need for additional regions emerges.
  3. Membership in the EMDR Regional Association must be open to all EMDR National/SAR Associations within their region. Regional Associations shall only accept National/SAR Associations within their geographic region except when compelling reasons, such as political situations, make that unfitting. In that case, discussion and agreement should be conducted between the geographic Regional Association, the desired Regional Association, and the National/SAR Association applying for affiliation.
  4. The EMDR Regional Association is established as an equivalent of a not-for-profit, scientific, or an academic membership association.
  5. The EMDR Regional Association Board of Directors is made up of elected representatives from their membership/National/ SAR member associations.
  6. In the interest of the availability of Accredited/Approved EMDR therapy trainings throughout the world, all EMDR Associations will promote fair business practices that do not limit competition or control prices.
  7. The EMDR Regional Association should maintain no exclusive legal or financial arrangements with any EMDR trainer, EMDR consultant, practitioner, or training organization.
  8. EMDR Regional Associations must establish and uphold EMDR Global Alliance minimum standards for the content and quality of EMDR training and continuing education in EMDR therapy.
    1. EMDR Regional Associations should review and accredit training programs, trainers, Approved/Accredited Consultants/Supervisors and Accreditation/Certification for clinicians residing and practicing in their own Region, and for visiting trainers or training providers desiring to deliver trainings within the Regions boundaries.
    2. EMDR Regional Associations should not review or accredit training programs, trainers, Approved/Accredited Consultants/Supervisors or Accreditation/Certification for clinicians residing and practicing in another Region, or applications that have been rejected by another Region, unless specifically requested to do so by the other National or Regional Association.
  9. EMDR Regional Associations must establish and enforce minimum standards for admission to Standard/Basic EMDR Therapy trainings within its region, and for membership in the EMDR Regional Association. Accordingly:
    1. In countries where there is professional licensure as a requirement of psychotherapy practice, the qualifications for such a licensure will be followed.
    2. In countries where the community standards of practice do not include attainment of a governmental licensure to conduct psychotherapy, the standards for trainees will be approved on a national basis. Under such circumstances,
      1. The determination of standards will be decided in collaboration among the Regional and National Associations or Special Administrative Regions involved, all Standard/Basic EMDR Therapy training groups or individuals providing trainings in the nation, and the local sponsors of the Standard/Basic EMDR Therapy training.
      2. Individuals who complete the approved training will be accorded the same privileges as other graduates of approved Standard/Basic EMDR Therapy trainings such as a certificate of training completion, eligibility for membership in the National/SAR Association, and pursuit of additional continuing education and certification approved by the National/SAR and Regional Associations.