EMDR Global Alliance: The International Society for EMDR Therapy

Minimum Criteria for Basic Standards and Training (2024)

This document reflects the collaborative effort of the member Regional Associations of the EMDR Global Alliance
(EGA). It is part of the mission of the EMDR Global Alliance to define and publish minimum training standards that
uphold the quality of EMDR education world-wide and facilitate the delivery of effective and efficient mental health
services by all EMDR providers.

This document sets forth the minimum international standards for training and education that have been agreed upon by
the EMDR Global Alliance member Regional Associations.  Meeting the standards of EGA member nations is the basis for
common recognition of standard training, EMDR practitioners, Accredited/Approved Consultants/Supervisors and
Accredited/Approved Trainers among Regional Associations.

A Regional Association is an umbrella organization that is composed of the National EMDR Associations and EMDR
Associations in a Special Administrative Region within a specific geographical area. All references to National
Associations will include Special Administrative Regions. It is expected that all Regional Associations will establish
and meet standards that reflect the highest quality of training possible in their region, based on these minimum
standards to which they all agreed.

Additional requirements of each specific Regional Association can be found on our member Regional Association websites:

Participants: Who may receive training in EMDR?

Following the agreed upon guidelines for National and Regional Associations, these are the established minimum standards
for admission to EMDR trainings and membership in an EMDR national/international association affiliated to the EGA:

  1. In countries where there is professional licensure as a requirement for mental health practice, the
    qualifications for such a licensure or registration will be followed.
  2. In addition, the trainee must meet the minimum criteria for training in EMDR set out by his/her country’s
    national EMDR Association. In case of doubt, the national EMDR Association must be contacted to determine
    whether or not a professional is eligible.
  3. In countries where the community standards of practice do not include attainment of a governmental licensure to
    conduct mental health practice, the standards for trainees will be approved on a national basis. Under such
    circumstances, the determination of standards will be decided in collaboration among the National Association,
    or in its absence, the Regional Association, all EMDR training groups or individuals providing training in the
    nation, and the local sponsors of the EMDR training.

    1. Individuals who complete these approved trainings will be accorded the same privileges as other
      graduates of approved EMDR trainings, such as a certificate of training completion, eligibility for
      membership in the Regional and National Association, and pursuit of additional continuing education and
      certification approved by the National and Regional Association.
    2. Residency Requirements for Participants
      1. The participant should meet the admission requirements in the country where they intend to
        practice, and
      2. The participant should also meet the admission requirements in their primary country of
      3. It is incumbent upon the trainee/aspiring participant to contact the National Association and
        obtain a declaration to be delivered to the trainer, to determine whether the participant would
        meet requirements for admission to Basic Training in the National Association of their primary
        residence and where they intend to practice.National or Regional Associations may hold
        participant requirements in addition to those outlined above. Please consult the website of the
        local National/ Regional Association for current information and details.


  1. The Basic EMDR therapy training, accreditation, and continuing education process is closely interwoven. This is
    achieved by the co-operative relationship between trainers and their EMDR National Associations or Special
    Administrative Region and the Regional Association. Trainers are made aware of and agree to this. However, both
    parties in this relationship have a duty to facilitate this process.
  2. The trainer must act in a way that supports and promotes their National Association or Special Administrative
    Region and Regional Association. A seamless relationship between trainers, trainees, the National Association or
    Special Administrative Region and the accreditation process for practitioners and consultants is essential. In
    order to ensure that this takes place, the EMDR National Association or Special Administrative Region should
    confirm that trainees are informed about the National or Special Administrative Region Association and the
    accreditation/certification process and are encouraged to join the EMDR National or Special Administrative
    Region Association.

Who may deliver an EMDR Training Approved by an EGA Member Association?

  1. The trainer must be a member of their EMDR National Association.
  2. The trainer must hold a degree or equivalent in a mental health field and a license or certification by their country of residence to provide psychotherapeutic services.
  3. The trainer must be Approved or Accredited as a Trainer with their Regional Association and, in the absence of a Regional Association, by their National EMDR Association as an Approved or Accredited Trainer.
  4. Senior trainers must be present and responsible for the presentation of training pages by those involved in Trainer’s Training programs as a Trainer Candidate or Trainer-in-training. It is the responsibility of the Senior Trainer to ensure that the training portions are accurate and well presented.
  5. If possible, the trainer should speak the native language of the participants.
  6. Responsibilities of the Trainer:
    1. Trainings should be organized within the trainer’s national boundaries. In the case of on-line trainings,
      participants who live in other countries should obtain permission from the local National Association to join
      the training.
    2. The trainer should notify the National Association of the schedule for the training.
    3. If the trainer wishes to train outside his/her own country, he/she should have the approval of the EMDR national
      organization in the country where the proposed training is to occur. This must be obtained first and prior to
      the announcement of the training. If there is no national association, then the trainer should contact the
      Regional Association for that geographic area to receive their consent for the training. Consent will be based
      on the following:

      1. The trainer, training material, and the curriculum must be approved by the National/Regional EMDR Association in
        the geographic region where the training is to be held.
      2. The trainer must uphold all standards for training that are established in the country or region where the
        training is to be held.
    4. Inform participants about how and where to get consultation/supervision for Basic Training
    5. Provide information about the National Association, directly or by inviting someone from the National
      Association to present it briefly during training.

      1. Before the training is completed, the trainer must make sure that trainees are fully informed about how to join
        their national EMDR Association and how to become a Certified or Accredited EMDR practitioner.
      2. The trainer encourages the trainees to continue their professional development by becoming Certified or


    The syllabus should be consistent with the 2018 edition of Dr. Francine Shapiro’s text “EMDR: Principles, Procedures and
    Protocols”. Shapiro, Francine. (2018). Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy, Third
    Edition: Basic Principles, Protocols, and Procedures. New York: Guildford Press

    The following must be included in the curriculum:

    1. History and Overview - The goal of this section is to review the historical evolution of EMDR
      from its inception through validation by randomized controlled studies. This includes, but is not limited to: A)
      Origin; B) Switch from EMD to EMDR; C) Current EMDR-related Research
    2. Distinguish Model, Methodology, and Mechanism - This section of the curriculum explains these
      three aspects of EMDR and distinguishes among them.
    1. Model – Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) including basic hypotheses, concepts of AIP, mechanisms of action,
      current research, clinical implications, differentiate from other models, and applications.
    2. Methodology explains and teaches the method of EMDR.
      1. 8-Phases
        Phase 1 – History Taking, Case Conceptualization & Treatment Planning
        Phase 2 – Client Preparation
        Phase 3 – Assessment
        Phase 4 – Desensitization
        Phase 5 – Installation
        Phase 6 – Body Scan
        Phase 7 – Closure
        Phase 8 – Reevaluation
      2. Three-Pronged Protocol
      3. Advanced Methodology – This includes special protocols and specific populations
      4. Professional, legal, ethical issues


    1. The content of the training and all training manuals must be approved by the Regional Accreditation body
      according to their procedures.
    2. The trainer may determine the order in which material is presented, although some advanced information should
      only be taught after the trainee has had time to practice basic EMDR skills.
    3. The EMDR training should only include EMDR-related material. During EMDR training, it is unacceptable to train
      participants in the application of other intervention methods not consistent with Shapiro’s textbook.
    4. The training should contain various exercises to build experience and skills in implementing standard EMDR
      protocols and procedures.

    Structure of Training:

    The following constitutes the current minimum standards for the structure of EMDR Basic Training. The EGA member
    associations continuously explore, through experience and outcome data, ways to increase the standards of the EMDR Basic
    Training to achieve the goals of well-prepared EMDR clinicians.

    Minimum Structural Requirements

      1. The format of the training will include three sections with minimum hours as below:
        1. Basic training must include a minimum of 20 hours of lecture.
        2. Basic Training must include a minimum of 18 hours of supervised practice within the training
        3. Basic Training must include a minimum of 10 hours of consultation/supervision.
      2. The training will take place over a minimum total of 6 days, divided into two or three parts.
      3. The last part of the didactic instruction must only be given when the trainee has had a minimum of 8
        weeks to build the ability to integrate the basic EMDR protocol into his/her/ their clinical practice.

    National or Regional Associations may hold requirements in addition to those outlined above. Please consult the website
    of the local National/ Regional Association for current information and details.

    Supervised Practicum

        1. The goal of Supervised Practicum is to facilitate practice of the EMDR methodology as outlined
          above in the Shapiro text.
        2. The supervised practicum should be appropriately scheduled to allow adequate time for
          demonstration and practice of the eight phases and three prongs of the Standard Protocol and to
          initiate integration into the participant’s clinical work.
        3. Practicum includes group exercises to strengthen understanding of the theoretical model and the
          methods. Clinical practice exercises may be done in dyads or triads.

          1. The role of the clinician is required for each participant
          2. The role of “client” is required for each participant unless not advisable. In such
            situations, the participant is encouraged to seek the experience of being an EMDR client
            in an appropriate setting.
          3. The role of “observer” is preferred but not mandatory. It is recognized that it is not
            always possible to fill the role of Observer during the supervised practicum.
          4. The faculty-to-participant ratio should not exceed 1:12 to allow for direct behavioral
            observation of each trainee.
        4. Faculty Requirement: Practicum faculty may be an Approved/Accredited Trainer or an
          Approved/Accredited Consultant/Supervisor.

    National or Regional Associations may hold requirements in addition to those outlined above. Please consult the website
    of the local National/ Regional Association for current information and details.

    Consultation/Supervision as Part of Basic Training

    Note regarding language: The terms Approved and Accredited are used interchangeably to reflect usage in the
    various Regional Associations.  The terms Consultant/consultation and Supervisor/supervision are also used
    interchangeably and reflect regional and legal differences among EGA Member Regions.

    Goals of consultation/supervision in Basic Training.

    1. To support learning and development, knowledge and skills
    2. To support the maintenance of standards and ethics of EMDR therapy practice
    3. To support professional well-being and community engagement and to support the consultee regarding the impact of
      practice demands
    4. To support integration of EMDR therapy and the AIP model into clinical practice

    Before completing their training, trainees are expected to reach a basic level of competence in safely and effectively
    integrating EMDR into their clinical practice. This level will require a minimum of 10 hours of
    consultation/supervision, working with a minimum of 3 clients.

    Consultation/Supervision provides an opportunity for the integration of the theory of EMDR along with the development of
    EMDR skills. During consultation/supervision, trainees receive individualized feedback and instruction in the areas of
    case conceptualization, client readiness, target selection, treatment planning, blocks and challenges to reprocessing,
    specific application of skills, and the integration of EMDR into clinical practice.

    1. The trainer does not need to provide the consultation/supervision but should be responsible for providing
      trainees with information on available consultants/supervisors and collecting consultation/supervision
      information for the completion of training.
    2. Consultation/supervision must be provided by an Approved/Accredited Trainer, Approved/Accredited
      Consultant/Supervisor, or Consultant/Supervisor in Training under the direction of an Approved/Accredited
    3. Time Requirement: Minimum of 10 hours of consultation/supervision are required. Consultation/supervision must be
      spaced out to allow time for consolidation of learning and clinical practice. It should be provided in
      developmental increments to extend over the course of the training. Ideally participants should receive a
      minimum of 4 hours of consultation/supervision between Parts 1 and 2.
    4. Clinical consultation/supervision may be integrated into an extended training format or may be provided by
      Approved/Accredited Consultants/Supervisors and reports of completion sent to the Trainer. The Trainer or
      Training Organization may designate specific consultants/supervisors to be a part of their training faculty.
    5. Acceptable Consultation/Supervision Formats
      1. Individual: One-on-one time between participant and consultant/supervisor, face-to-face or by telephone
        or videoconferencing.
      2. Group: Group consultation/supervision could involve discussions of issues that have a generic interest
        but should not replace the intimate formats that allow for individualized feedback. Participants would
        receive credit for the total time spent in the group.
      3. Combinations of Individual and Group: Any combination of Individual consultation/supervision and group
        consultation/supervision that meets the time guideline suggested above and provides a minimum of ten
        hours of consultation/supervision time.
    6. Group size must be limited to a maximum of three participants per hour. Each participant must have a minimum of
      20 minutes for consultation/supervision.
    7. Emphasis should be given on AIP-based case conceptualization, rather than on clarifying basic psychotherapeutic

    National or Regional Associations may hold requirements in addition to those outlined above. Please consult the website
    of the local National/ Regional Association for current information and details.

    Certification or Accreditation

    Note regarding language:  The terms Certified and Accredited will be used interchangeably to reflect the usage in
    the various EGA Member Regions.

    In the acquisition and development of skill and knowledge, an EMDR clinician moves from being an EMDR novice to
    achieving a high level of EMDR proficiency and expertise.  Associations should provide an opportunity for clinicians to
    gain proficiency and expertise through a program of consultation/supervision that results in a designation that is
    recognized by the association, other health care practitioners and by the consumers of mental health.

    To be eligible to apply to be recognized as a Certified/ Accredited Practitioner, all applicants must:

    1. Have completed a Basic Training recognized by their National/Regional Association.
    2. Be licensed, registered in their profession or meet local criteria for independent practice and have a minimum
      of two years’ experience in their field.
    3. Be observed by an EMDR Approved/Accredited Consultant/Supervisor in their EMDR clinical work either in vivo or
      through video recording.
    4. The video will be reviewed by the Accreditation Committee of the National Association or by the consultant. If
      no video is available, there will be an in-vivo review.
    5. Have conducted a minimum of 50 clinical sessions in which EMDR was utilized.
    6. Have treated a minimum of 25 clients with EMDR
    7. 7. Have received a minimum of ten hours of consultation beyond the ten hours required to be included with Basic
      Training. This must be provided by an EMDR Consultant/Supervisor Approved/Accredited by an EGA association
    8. Supply a reference from that Approved/Accredited Consultant/Supervisor verifying the minimum number of hours and
      competency required to become Certified/Accredited in EMDR.
    9. Certification must be renewed at a maximum of every five years.
    10. In addition, a minimum of six hours of continuing education in EMDR must be completed for each year of the
      recertification process
    11. Certified/Accredited Practitioner candidates should be encouraged to experience EMDR therapy as clients.

    National or Regional Associations may hold requirements in addition to those outlined above. Please consult the website
    of the local National/ Regional Association for current information and details.

    EMDR Approved/Accredited Consultants/Supervisors

    The role of the EMDR Approved/Accredited Consultant/Supervisor plays a pivotal role in the future development of EMDR.
    EMDR Approved/Accredited Consultants/Supervisors have a key responsibility in maintaining quality assurance and high
    standards of practice in EMDR. EMDR Consultants/Supervisors Approved/Accredited by an EGA member association are able to
    demonstrate their considerable EMDR clinical experience and expertise. In addition, they must demonstrate their
    consultation skills either via video recording or in vivo.

    The applicant for the designation of EMDR Approved/Accredited Consultant/Supervisor  must meet the following criteria:

    1. Completion of an EMDR Basic Training Approved by an EGA member association.
    2. Must be an EMDR Certified/ Accredited Practitioner before beginning training as an Accredited/Approved
    3. Must have at least three years’ experience as a Certified/Accredited Practitioner after completing a Regional
      Association Approved EMDR Basic Training program at the time of completion of requirements to apply as an
      Approved/Accredited Consultant/Supervisor.
    4. Must have completed a Consultant/Supervisor Training program approved by their National or Regional Association.
    5. Have conducted at least 300 EMDR sessions with no less than 75 clients by the time of completion of requirements
      to apply as an Approved/Accredited Consultant/Supervisor.
    6. Have received a minimum of 20 hours of consultation-on-consultation by a Consultant/Supervisor
      Approved/Accredited by an EGA Member Association and received a letter documenting competency in
      consultation/supervision skills.
    7. Must demonstrate their consultation/supervision skills either in vivo, via video recording or by submitting a
      minimum of three recordings or in-vivo sessions of an EMDR clinical session, an individual EMDR clinical
      consultation/supervision session and of a group EMDR clinical consultation/supervision.
    8. Must regularly renew the Approved/ Accredited Consultant/Supervisor status according to the requirements of
      their Regional EMDR Association, minimally, every five years.
    9. Six hours of continuing education in EMDR must be completed for each year of the recertification process

    National or Regional Associations may hold requirements in addition to those outlined above.  Please consult the website
    of the local National/ Regional Association for current information and details.

    Advanced Trainings and Workshops:

    Only individuals who hold a Certificate of Completion from a Regional, National or Special Administrative Region
    Association Accredited Basic Training should be admitted to an EMDR Advanced Training. Those who have completed an
    unaccredited orientation or training in EMDR should be encouraged to complete a Basic Training Accredited by an EGA
    member association.